PWF Northeast made its return to the Loomis Arena for a standing room only crowd to present "Mutiny".
The show started with Dean Ripley announcing the new PWF NE Commentary team
in its entirety: TJ Wyld, "The Weasel" Tommy D., and Ebony Blade. Once
they were seated Dean Ripley began to introduce the first match, only to be interrupted
by the entire Brotherhood of the Damned. "Kick Ass" Kyle Storm,
"Toxic" Tommy Knoxville, The Damned and the mysterious man from the
last event entered the ring. Mad Dog introduced the members of the BotD and
declared a Mutiny on PWF President Rob Dimension. Draven and Mad Dog handed over
their power in PWF Northeast for the night to the man in the ring with them...
Mark Reality. Reality continued to insist on calling Rob Dimension
"Suzie" and attempted to sign a handicap match between
"Psycho" Mike Osbourne and BotD members Knoxville and Storm. Ripley
then interjected that he had a letter from Dimension to read to the BotD. It
stated that Dimension had already signed a match for Storm, defending his #1
Contender spot against "Revolution" Chris Venom. The BotD seemed
upset, huddled together and came out smiling as they left the ringside area.
The first match of the night became an interesting clash in styles. The
powerfully dominating "Big League" Brian Black matched up with the
hard-core highflying Vertabreaker. Vertabreaker was able to keep Black off
balance for a while with his high-risk offense. Soon, "Big League"
took over and began a vicious assault of slams, and crushing moves trying to
injure Verte. After each move, Black would go for a pin, only to have his smaller
opponent kick out. Finally, this became too much for Brian Black to accept, so
he hit his full nelson slam finisher on Referee Paul Hudson. Vertabreaker is the
winner by DQ. After the match, Vertabreaker managed to get back on his feet and
scale to the top rope, thrilling the crowd with a with a dive onto Black outside
the ring.
TJ Wyld then left the broadcast area and went into the ring for another
edition of "The Wyld-side". He announced that Mark Reality had informed
him that his guest this week would be none other than the PWF Northeast
Heavyweight Champion "Bad Boy" Billy Black. The champion's music
hit and out walked a teenager dressed as him with the PWF Northeast Title. Wyld
looked mortified. The young man got in the ring and stood posing, when "Bad
Boy's" music hit again. This time the champ came out, obviously very upset.
He got in the face threatening the teen, who quickly handed the belt back to the
rightful owner. Black then made the crowd believe he was going to hit the kid
with it, but spun and decked Wyld before putting the boots to him. Former local
wrestler "Primetime" Randy J ran out and made a save for the kid.
The next match saw "Enforcer" Larry Huntley wrestle
"Schoolboy" Derik Destiny. In a huge upset, Destiny beat Huntley with
a quick pin.
Johnny Curtis came to the ring very upset and grabbed the microphone. He talked
about being looked over. He talked about hitting transportation problems for the
last event and getting there in time to see someone else, Chris Camero, taking
his place in a match with Kyle Storm for the #1 Contendership. He then stated
the he was the Premier athlete in PWF and only one man was talented enough to
stand by his side. That brought our Curtis' new partner, "Broadway"
Kenn Phoenix. Their opponents would be another debuting team, Sudden Impact (Kid
Mikazi & Chris Camero). Both teams tried to prove their worthiness for a
shot at the PWF NE Tag Titles currently held by Fusion. Curtis/Phoenix got the
eventual win when "Premier Player" Johnny Curtis hit a top rope leg
drop on Camero.
Before the following match, PWF Universal Heavyweight Champion "Hi-Flying" Chris Hamrick came to the ring in an unannounced surprise. He berated the fans at the Loomis Arena saying that they need to understand that because he is the PWF Universal Champion, he is the best wrestler in the business. The fans need to learn that fact and show him respect every time they see him.
Next up, "Psycho" Mike Osbourne had his rematch with "Toxic" Tommy Knoxville of the BotD. Both stepped it up, trying to take the other out of the business for good. Knoxville got the eventual tainted win, when Mark Reality distracted the referee and Kyle Storm hit Psycho Mike with a rolling neck breaker. Knoxville then hit his springboard DDT to get the fall. After the match, Storm/Knoxville gloated, while ignoring Osbourne. The Psycho one knocked "Toxic" from the ring and attempted his sit out DVD "Straight Jacket" on Kyle. The Damned ran in and began to assault Osbourne. Soon, All four members of the BotD beat down "Psycho" Mike while Reality called the shots. Referee Paul Hudson was next to get beaten. Soon Referee Chris Mello, TJ Wyld, and even ring announcer Dean Ripley were getting attacked by the Brotherhood of the Damned. Mad Dog and Draven told the other BotD members to stop. Reality took a crisp C-Note out of his pocket and said that each would get one if he saw "Ultimate Damnation". Mad Dog then grabbed Wyld for an elevated power bomb, followed by a springboard senton by Knoxville, a frog splash by Draven, and a top rope elbow by Storm. Suddenly Vertabreaker ran from the back with a chair and began swinging wildly as the BotD made a hasty exit. Vertabreaker helped up Osbourne and had a long stare down with the BotD.
In the next match, one of the most popular wrestlers in PWF Northeast, Duff,
tangled with one of the least popular, Triplelicious. Duff kept the capacity
crowd buzzing the whole match, whether it be when he was beating his opponent
all over the ring, or when he was on the other end of the fight. After a
tremendous match, Triplelicious reversed Duff's TKO into the "H-Cubed"
(Diamond Dust) for the win. After the match, Trip got on the microphone and
further angered the crowd saying that he had already beaten their favorite
fairly easily. He put out an open challenge for anyone in the building to come
fight him. This brought out another wrestler making his debut in PWF Northeast.
Hailing from Japan, The High Voltage Wrestling Heavyweight Champion (Florida
Promotion) Kahagus. flanked by manager "TNT" Kenny G., came to accept
Triplelicious' challenge. The two fought for a good eight minutes. Kahagus
demonstrated great martial arts ability, while Trip fought like he was on the
streets. Finally, the two spilled out of the ring and into the back, before
being broken up by most of the locker room. The match was declared a no contest.
The next match was to become the #1 Contender to the PWF Northeast Heavyweight
Championship. "Kick Ass" Kyle Storm of the Brotherhood of the Damned
(current #1 Contender) faced "Revolution" Chris Venom. The two showed
great wrestling ability, demonstrating mat grappling backgrounds. Soon the match
ended up becoming a fight. Venom and Storm tore into each other. Storm's ego may
have gotten the best of him. After hitting two top rope elbows, Storm gloated
and climbed to the second rope to yell at the crowd. A dazed Venom stumbled
behind him and by instinct grabbed Storm and hit him with the Burning Hammer
(inverted DVD). This secured the win and the #1 Contender spot for Venom.
The main event was a Title vs. Title match between the Northeast Heavyweight
Champion "Bad Boy" Billy Black and the Northeast Jr. Heavyweight
Champion KL Murphy. The two traded offense back and forth, until Referee Pepe
Sanchez was accidentally knocked from the ring. This brought out a most unlikely
replacement ref, "Schoolboy" Derik Destiny (who had beaten Black's
cohort Huntley earlier in the night). "Bad Boy" seemed extremely upset
at this. The heavyweight champ relied on very rudimentary tactics, choking
Murphy continually, until Destiny physically pulled him off. This prompted Black
to hit Destiny and throw him from the ring. "Bad Boy" turned around to
return his attentions to Murphy, only to be on the receiving end of "Murphy's
Law" (moonsault reverse DDT). As Murphy went for the lateral press, Pepe
Sanchez rolled slowly back into the ring to count the three. Murphy celebrated as the new Northeast
Heavyweight Champion. Destiny climbed back in the ring and had a conference with
Sanchez and DQ's Bad Boy for hitting him. Murphy is the winner, but NOT the new champion.
Universal Champion CHris Hamrick climbs into the ring and stands there for some
reason. Murphy highly upset, begins to berate his friend Destiny. Billy Black
then spun Destiny around to yell at him for interjecting himself into the match.
Murphy once again grabbed Destiny to yell at him. Destiny tried his best to make
amends and apologize. He offered his hand to KL. The Junior Champ considered it
and started to shake his hand. In one swift move, "Bad Boy" hit
Destiny from behind. Murphy ducked so he wasn't hit by Destiny's body falling
forward. Hamrick sprung into action like a panther and nailed the staggering
"Schoolboy" with a brutal Yakuza kick and then hit his Confederate Jam
Leg Drop off the top. He then grabbed Murphy telling him that he was too good
for PWF Northeast and led him out of the Loomis Arena. This left a prone Destiny
getting pummeled by the Northeast Heavyweight Champ. "Revolution"
Chris Venom sprinted to the ring, and chased Black from the ring for the save.
The show ended with Venom and Black, #1 Contender and Champion, in a staredown.