"Mad Dog"

Matt Storm

Height:  6'1
Weight: 290 lbs.  

Hometown:  Providence, RI

Years pro: 11

Titles Held in PWF Northeast: PWF Northeast Tag Champion

Favorite move/Finishing Maneuver: Elevated Powerbomb, Snap-Fisherman's Buster, Frog Splash. 

Toughest opponent:  Joel & Jose Maximo (The SAT)

Most Hated Opponent:  Mafia & Monsta Mack (Da Hit Squad)

Greatest Match:  w/Draven vs. The SAT at PWF Universal's International Ironman Tournament. 

Tag Partner: 1999-2003 Draven as "The Damned"; 1992-1997, 2003 "Kick Ass" Kyle Storm.

Manager:  Demonica

Other Promotions Wrestled For: PWF Universal, World Wrestling Alliance, Eastern Wrestling Alliance, Chaotic, Power League,  NWA-East, and many others.