The Hotseat recently had a chance to sit down with "Revolution" Chris Venom. Venom had a lot to talk about, including who he'd like to face, "Bad Boy" Billy Black, and training with the Damned.
HotSeat: Chris Venom, Thanks for taking some time to sit down with us today.
VENOM: not a problem, thank you for having me.
HotSeat: It would seem that even back to the debut event of PWF Northeast, "Genesis", you've been at odds with "Criminal Intent". "Bad Boy Billy Black is the current Northeast Champion. Is it frustrating that you haven't been able to get your hands on him one on one?
VENOM: yea it would seem that way huh? Billy Black was once a mentor figure to
me. As a young(er) kid in an iccw locker room, he looked out for me and showed me the ropes so to speak.
As far as getting my hands on him one on one, its going to happen, sooner than later,
its going to happen. Last PWF show I showed that I can hang out there w/ a wrestler the caliber of
Billy Bax.
HotSeat: I'm glad you mentioned Bax. At the last event, you had a great match with one of Universal's best. Can you give us your thoughts on that match, and on any changes in game plan if you wrestle Bax again?
VENOM: Billy Bax is a very gifted athlete. Hands down one of the best I've been lucky to work with. The match was just this....a wrestling match. While some "critics" wish to tear it apart that's fine, that's their jobs and their opinions.
VENOM: Should I get the chance to wrestle w/ Bax again you will definitely see a lot more of what I have to offer that you may have not seen that first night.
HotSeat: Speaking of that match, afterwards Larry Huntley interjected and felt he should laugh at the fact that Bax had beaten you. Then to add to it attacked you.
HotSeat: Billy Bax ran back out and the two of you hit a tandem northern lights on Huntley sending him packing. Bax has openly stated that you won his respect. First, is there a partnership/team in the future? Secondly, you soundly defeated Huntley at "Mayhem Revisited: Another Drive By".
VENOM: Larry Huntley, as much he looks like a Jim Duggan clone w/bells palsy, to his credit knows when to pick his spots. He just doesn't know when to leave them. He f#*&t w/ Bax and myself. He ended up w/ us hitting him w/ a throw. Billy Bax before we ever wrestled had my respect...after that match I earned far as a partnership or team...who knows, but I won't lie, I'd like that to happen. To be honest... Huntley is nothing more than a bully that knows what to do when told... one on one... I proved can out wrestle him.
HotSeat: Defeating Huntley, it would seem likely that you would be in line to face "Bad Boy" Billy Black for the Northeast Heavyweight Title. With all your history, how do you see yourself matching up with the champ, who seems to be in his prime?
VENOM: Time and time again, doesn't matter w/ who or where or when, I feel I've proved to everyone
I can be that GUY at the right place/right time. We have scouted, studied and watched each others every move for almost the past year...
Now I can understand having aspirations within the territory. Matching up w/ him will be easy this time
around, not only will he have to out wrestle and brawl me, he will have to realize
I'm the one w/ a chip on my shoulder and I have a reason to want to beat him and its not just for a title.
HotSeat: Do you have any aspirations outside of PWF Northeast?
VENOM: As for aspirations outside of PWF NE: wrestle, anywhere and if possible everywhere. Hopefully PWF-NE can do that for me. In the short 2 years I've been lucky enough to be around quite a few locker rooms and been w/ some of the best New England can offer. Hopefully in the future I can continue this not just in New England, but anywhere I can.
HotSeat: If you could choose any one man on the Indies to wrestle against, who would it be and why?
VENOM: One isn't enough.... I'd have to say guys like Maverick Wild, Alex Arion, Sonny Goodspeed, Bob Evans, Justin Powers, to guys like Striker, definitely Billy Bax again. There are so many here in New England that I have to do work w/ let alone everywhere else. Rough question but all in all, I'd like to work w/ anyone and everyone to get more time and experiences.
HotSeat: I can see a lot of those matches being worth seeing live. On another subject, you are the very first wrestler to be a "graduate" of the Damned Wrestling School. What does this mean to you? How does this affect your outlook on the business?
VENOM: Being a damned graduate and the first was and still is something special to me... means to me that Draven & Mad Dog bestowed to me (still happens to this day) the knowledge that they have amassed through their own experiences in over ten years each in the business. They felt I had reached a level where I could go out and learn more through others. By doing so the confidence they put in me was almost too much but greatly appreciated still to this day. The best gift or lesson they ever gave me was just that. They have shown me how to learn from others as much as I learned from them and to use it to my advantage, no matter how good or bad the experience was.
HotSeat: Is there anything in New England that you would change if you could?
VENOM: the distance from Rhode Island to the furthest point in Maine, and bring it closer! jk- Flat out, over saturation, too many promotions, too many that give others bad names and flat out too many that suck. If I could change it, I wouldn't know where to start.
HotSeat: Where do you see yourself in the next five years in the biz?
VENOM: In New England, five years older (hopefully w/ new gear and boots that have sewed in tassels... jk) hopefully having worked many of the guys above mentioned, hopefully w/ 5 more years of experiences outside and inside of New England. Ultimately still having fun while doing something I love w/ the people I have that fun with....
HotSeat: What is your major goal in this business?
VENOM: To be able to wrestle & entertain crowds anywhere I go. To do it well well enough that someone wants to give me something for it! ;-)
HotSeat: Okay, final question. Are there any final words you want to say, either to your opponents, fans or critics?
VENOM: To my opponents: "thank you". To my fans "I hope you've enjoyed
everything". To my critics- "f*&% you and/or thank you".